Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ants nest Herbs for Lung Cancer Prevention And Tumors

For; most people, a quick way to treat lung cancer is to perform surgery to remove tumor tissue and lymph nodes around it or by radiation therapy for patients who do not want to do surgery.

Radiation is done to reduce cancer cells in normal and radiation tubuh.Kemoterapian done if the surgery did not have a great effect to cure lung cancer.

But in addition there are also some people who do alternative medicine using herbs. One of the plants that many people are looking for ANT NESTS (Mymicodea pendans). Salh anthill is a traditional crop that comes from Papua and has been widely used by the natives of Papua are hereditary.

According to dr. Ahkan M. Subroto, Expert principal investigator of the Biotechnology center LIPI, that ant nests contain important active compounds such as flavonoids, Tannins, Polifenal, and rich in various minerals that are useful for antioxidant and anti-cancer, so the herbs can be used as a cure for cancer and tumors.

whereas according to Prof.. Dr. Ellin Yulinah Sukandar, ITB professor of pharmacy, that the ant nest contains Tokeferol that function as antioxidants and anti-cancer that can counteract free radical attack by antidegeneratif.


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